50 Barn Poems

We are excited to bring you 50 Barn Poems by Zac Smith!

50 Poems about barns? exciting right? But wait. That’s not all!

The first 50 people possessing the wisdom, fortitude & vision to purchase this sure to be timeless tome will also receive a copy of the first-ever book of blurbs and debut collection by Giacomo Pope, 50 Barn Blurbs!

Now THAT, folks, is a deal.

Consisting of fifty barn poems, 50 Barn Poems is an evocative yet accessible sketch of that old barn that haunts the back of your brain. Vague memories of road trips, skateboarding, the ocean, and ping-pong are all reconstructed in the shape of a barn and set on fire. We’re not even sure they’re poems. Maybe they are just: BARN. Go ahead, take off your shoes and drive off a cliff. The barn awaits.

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“I haven’t read this book yet, but the clarity and candor implied in the title alone make me think it could be the greatest-ever book of poems about barns.”

Dave Eggers, author of The Captain and the Glory


“A fun exploration of the power of arbitrary constraints, with Brautiganesque, perverse humor. I now know as little about barns as I did before.”

Stephin Merrit of The Magnetic Fields


50 Barn Poems seems like it’s making fun of barns, or poems, or poets, or books. I like that about it.”

Elizabeth Ellen, author of Elizabeth Ellen


50 Barn Poems is one of the most fun collections I’ve ever read… down-to-earth poems that are simply delightful, often beautiful, and occasionally downright brutal – in a heavy metal sort of way.”

Benjamin DeVos, author of Human Fish and The Bar is Low


“Unsentimental but somehow moving, funny without being cynical, these poems are the barn. They’re everywhere and nowhere, utilitarian and excessive, like all beautiful structures.”

Lindsay Lerman, author of I’m From Nowhere


“While reading this book, I got the feeling that Zac Smith had a lot of fun writing these poems. I got the feeling that he drank a lot of coffee and let his imagination lead him. I think that’s beautiful. He is winning the war against adulthood. Zac Smith will never sell out.”

Blake Middleton, author of College Novel


“With 50 Barn Poems, Zac Smith harvests a bountiful collection that will sustain you with infinite laughter, surreal revelations and poignant truths.”

Mike Andrelczyk, author of The Iguana Green City & Other Poems


“All the facets of life can be found inside a barn if only one were to look through Zac’s glasses.”

Cavin B. Gonzalez, author of I Could Be Your Neighbor, Isn’t that Horrifying?


“These poems fall across America with their heavy beams and flaking paint. Zac Smith has captured absurdity with empathy and humour in a collection that feels wholly contemporary.”

Giacomo Pope, founder of Neutral Spaces


“Zesty. This book zings. Ever surprising, ever brilliant, Zac Smith is the David Shrigley of poetry.”

Lars Iyer, author of Spurious and Wittgenstein Jr


Special preorder includes limited run of 50 copies of the first-ever book of blurbs and debut collection by Giacomo Pope, 50 Barn Blurbs. Ranging from cutting parody to bewildering autofiction, this genre-defying debut showcases Pope's powerfully evocative, stylistically liberated writing in what is both a gorgeous stand-alone work of art as well as the perfect companion piece for Smith's 50 Barn Poems.

Yo, get on this juicy goodness!



poetryCLASH BOOKSpoems, barns, blurbs